Switchgear cameras. Chambers national teams of KV TU U series 31.2-32236309-001

Purpose and scope
The KV prefabricated chambers are produced instead of the KSO 272, 285 and 266 and KV 2001 chambers, provide for the installation of vacuum switches and are designed to complete the switchgear chambers as part of transformer substations and other switchgears of general industrial use with voltage up to 10 kV, AC for insulated neutral systems.
With a double-row camera installation, prefabricated KVs are equipped with CMM or CMR bus bridges.
Schemes of secondary compounds are made on the basis of typical work of the institutes Energosetproekt, Selenergoprakt, and Tyazhpromelektroproekt.
Execution options
cable entry;
• cable assembly;
• bus input;
• auxiliary transformer;
• transformer line;
• tire bridge;
• cable line;
• camera of own needs;
• section switch;
• voltage transformer;
• sectional disconnector;
• and other options on request.