Single-end service assembled КSО 393V (КСО 393В) switchgear cabinets

Application and designated area
Single-end service assembled switchgear cabinets of KSO 393V series provide for installation of vacuum breakers BB/TEL, Evolis, Siemens 3AH5 in sets with relay protection RТ 40, RS UZA, Sirius (Сириус), MPRS (multi-functional protective relay package, БМРЗ) and KSO 393V package switchgears of transformer substations and other industrial switching gears with voltage below 10 kV of alternating current for systems with isolated neutral conductors.
KSO 393B switchgear cabinets comply with TU specifications 31.2. 32236309-005-2007
Hardware versions
Hardware versions
⦁ Cable inlet of KSO 393V package switchgear
⦁ Transformer line
⦁ Bus section breaker
Schemes of secondary connections are made basing on typical works of research institutes «Energosetproekt» («Энергосетьпроект»), «Selenergoproekt» («Сельэнергопрект»), Tyazhmashelektroproekt («Тяжпромэлектропроект»).