Single-end service assembled КSО 393VE (КСО 393ВЭ) switchgear cabinets

Application and designated area
Single-end service assembled switchgear cabinets of series KSO 393 VE with vacuum and SF-6 breakers package switchgears of transformer substations and other industrial switching gears with voltage below 10 Kv of alternating current.
Structure of switchgear cabinet designation
K S O 393 V EU3
1 2 3 4 5
1. Single-end service assembled switchgear cabinet
2. Series
3. With a vacuum breaker
4. With an SF-6 breaker (or two)
5. U3 version complies with GOST 15150-69
The switchgear cabinets provide for installation of vacuum breakers BB TEL manufactured by state concern «Tavrida Electric» (ГК «Таврида Электрик»).
The switchgear cabinets comply with GOST 14693 and TU specifications 32236309-002 and have a conformity certificate POCC.RU.0001.11AВ52.
A net of one-line schemes is presented in fig. 2 “Main circuit schemes”.
Casing of a switchgear cabinet is an assembled metal construction produced of a zinc-coated sheet thicker than 2 mm with metal formed sections with all equipment of main and auxiliary circuits inside it. Inner space of KSO 393 VE switchgear cabinet is structurally divided into the following functional compartments: assembled buses compartment, monobloc (pull-out) compartment, compartment of connections (cables compartment), relay compartment. Configuration of lead-in switchgear cabinets is shown in fig. 1
All connections to be grounded in a switchgear cabinet, doors of relay compartment and assembled bridge compartment which can be touched during operation and may be voltage-carrying are grounded.
Hardware variants:
• Cable inlet • Transformer line • Cable line • Bus section breaker of interrupter |
• Voltage transformer • Cable assembly • Auxiliaries transformer • Busbar bridge |
In a two-row installation, switchgear cabinets are packaged with busbar bridges.
Schemes of secondary connections are based on typical works of research institutes «Energosetproekt» («Энергосетьпроект»), «Selenergoproekt» («Сельэнергопрект»), Tyazhmashelektroproekt («Тяжпромэлектропроект»).
Schemes of auxiliary circuits of KSO 393 VE switchgear cabinet with BB TEL breaker are packaged with a control unit CU/TEL-12A or CU/TEL-21.
Relay protection and automatics of KSO connections can be implemented practically with any protection and automatics microprocessor devices.
Operational safety of KSO is ensured by structural solutions, simplicity and visualization as well as by a system of operation blockings.
Actuators of load breakers, interrupters, grounding breakers of control units are located on the facade side of the switchgear cabinet. Cabinet facade is equipped with voltage contact sensors, built-in voltage sensors in base insulators enable phasing without doors opening.
System of blockings prevents wrong personnel actions in case of blocking of operation switches. The following blockings are provided for KSO:
– blocking that prevents switch-on or circuit breaking when primary circuit breaker is switched on (mechanical)
– blocking between a breaker and grounding blades that prevents breaker switch-on when grounding blades are switched on;
The following additional blockings are provided in a switchgear cabinet:
– Inlet lead-in inhibit when grounding assembled buses of a corresponding section (electrical)
– Section breaker activation inhibit (including with automatic transfer switch) when grounding assembled buses of any section (electrical)
– Inhibit of assembled bus grounder activation when inlet and section breakers are switched on (electrical)
Switchgear cabinets are delivered apiece or in units according to the main circuit scheme.
Delivery package includes:
– KSO switchgear cabinets with apparatuses and equipment of main and auxiliary circuits according to the data sheet (order)
– Accompanying documents
– Spare parts and accessories according to the order specification
The manufacturer guarantees that KSO 393 VE switchgear cabinets comply with TU specifications of transporting, storage and operation requirements are met.
Warranty period of KSO switchgear cabinets (operation and storage) is 3 years from the delivery day if transporting, storage and mounting requirements are met. Accessories and relay protection warranties are according to instructions of manufacturing plants.
Fig. 1 Configuration of a KSO 393VE switchgear cabinet
Fig.2 Main circuit schemes of a KSO 393VE switchgear cabinet