Single-end service assembled КSО (КСО) 298 (200) switchgear cabinets

Application and designated area
Single-end service assembled switchgear cabinets of series KSO 298 (200) series are intended to package switchgears of transformer substations and other industrial switching gears with voltage below 10 kV AC.Switchgear cabinets of series KSO 298 as well as switchgear cabinets KSO 200 are provided for vacuum breakers (BB TEL, Evolis, Siemens 3AH5). Types of protection determined by Customer’s option.Switchgear cabinets of series KSO 298 comply with TU specifications 31.2. 32236309-005-2007 and have a conformity certificate РОСС.RU.0001.11 АИ18. Net of one-line switchgear cabinets KSO 200 is shown below.KSO 207 switchgear cabinet casing of a switchgear cabinet is an assembled metal construction with all equipment of main and auxiliary circuits inside it. Inner space of KSO 200 (207) switchgear cabinet is structurally divided into the following functional compartments: assembled buses compartment, monobloc (pull-out) compartment, compartment of connections (cables compartment), relay compartment. Configuration of lead-in switchgear cabinets and output line is shown in fig. 1.Hardware versions of switchgear cabinets KSO 298 (200):
• Cable inlet
• Transformer line
• Cable line
• Bus section breaker of interrupter
• Voltage transformer
• Cable assembly
• Auxiliaries transformer
• Busbar bridge
Panel specifications are provided in the table.
In a two-row installation, KSO 200 (298) switchgear cabinets are packaged with busbar bridges with or without breakers.
Actuators of busbar bridge breakers are installed on end panels.
Schemes of secondary connections are based on typical works of research institutes «Energosetproekt» («Энергосетьпроект»), «Selenergoproekt» («Сельэнергопрект»), Tyazhmashelektroproekt («Тяжпромэлектропроект»).