Package transformer substations (in a heat-insulated cover) PTS KTPuB

Application and designated area
Package transformer substations (in a heat-insulated cover) KTPuB of power up to 1600 kV are with one (two) transformer and are intended to receive three-phase alternating current with voltage (HV) 6-10 kV to transform and distribute it over three-phase four-cable network with grounded neutral with voltage 0.4kV.
Package transformer substations KTPuB are applied to power supply consumers.
Package transformer substations KTPuB complies with GOST 14695 according to TU specifications
By Customer’s option, current and number of outgoing lines of package transformer substations as well as schemes and groups of transformer winding connections can be changed.
Structure of PTS KTPuB consists of three units:
• HVD unit (high voltage device which includes KSO cells with load breakers or vacuum breakers);
• LVSG unit (low voltage switchgear which includes SHCHO switchboard panels);
• Power transforming unit;
The units represent a welded metal frame covered with heat-insulated panels up to 50 mm thick.
Package transformer substations are installed on a brick or concrete base. Units are connected with bolt connections.