Electric power metering control system EPM PKUE – 6(10) kV

Application and designated area
Electric power metering control system PKUE-6(10) is intended to account active and reactive energy in air distribution networks of three-phase alternating current with frequency of 50 Hz and rate voltage of 6 (10) kV to transfer measured and calculated parameters of electric circuit to a control point in order to find out whether stealth of electric energy occurred for application in automatic electric energy control and accounting systems. PKUE is applied in overhead lines on edges of specified ranges on the side of 6, 10 kV. This applies to power generation, oil and gas, construction, transport organizations and others which perform mutual payment with providers or consumers of electric energy.
Brief specifications are provided in the table.
Electric power metering control system PKUE includes:
High-voltage measuring module (HM) – intended for current and voltage convertingтока into measurement signals. It is represented by measuring voltage transformers (VT) and current transformers (CT) settled in a metal cabinet;
⦁ Data transfer, collection and accounting cabinet (AC) consists of multi0functional microprocessor counter of active and reactive energy, data collection and transfer devices mounted into a metal cabinet;
⦁ Connection cable in a sealed metal hose with PVC insulation;
⦁ Surge arresters;
⦁ Installation kit.
MV and AC casings as well as mounting kit details are painted with polymer powder paint.