10 years to our enterprise

10 years to our enterprise.
November 15th was 10 years of our enterprise. During this period 16800 products were produced.
Ten years already produces and SCHO, KSO and KTP.
And in thousands measures volts, well, and so on, and so forth.
The path began hard on the Soviet, Sumy.
There was also a meeting place there on Malomyasnitskaya.
Life is flowing, changed office took Teploavtomat
And in the DEPOT to the trams on a visit
Fenced off the first warehouse.
The case needs to move on,
The goal is clear and clear
Own production,
Already requires a country.
And settling soon deal
Then declared Vadim
We will not only win overseas Ukraine.
Now the Russians are calling, Moldovans, Belarus.
Very soon I will get to Obama very soon !!!
Well done you are all guys!
On this round anniversary,
I wish you happiness and salary
Come quickly, brother, pour!
Decade Wilkom-Electro
Friends are celebrating today.
And indifferent to this date
Stay well, no way!
The ten-year path is not easy,
Already left behind.
Wish so much – so much so
Let him be ahead !!!
Happy Holidays !!!!

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