SCHO panels of type UVRN

ShchO panels of type UVRN for current up to 2500A
Panels of switchboards of ShchO like UVRN are intended for a complete set of distributing devices and block transformer substations. The climatic modification is U3 according to GOST 15150. The equipment has certificates of conformity, meets safety requirements, has small installation dimensions and convenient connection of external cable lines.
Panels of switchboards of ShchO of type UVRN represent metal cases of frame type.
Feeder connection is made on a monoblock, such as a strip fuse-switch-disconnector type ARS company “Apator” or XLBM company “ABB”. Each attachment of the assembly is made as a separate unit in a molded plastic case. Block width 100mm. Used fuses from 16 to 630A. The panels are manufactured according to TU 2236309-003-2006 and certified by Gosstandart of Russia ROSSUAAI36.A27836.